
really BE what you BELIEVE.........

A little bit about us......

we are outside more than in

we take risks.....and are always searching new ways to enjoy our farm

we name all our pets, and they own this farm, not us.........
like Fred and Redfoot here (whom we miss terribly)

we climb our own mountains and rejoice when we get to the top.......

we take care of our animals like people, and show them off like fine china at a dinner party.......

we love each other........(even when your better half does some funky things with his beard)

we respect EVERY human life......no matter how small.......

we believe in God and all his miracles from within......
whether you can see them or not

stand tall and speak out - don't rely on others to do it -

are YOU brave enough to really be what you believe?

pictures in order:
~on our skating rink we made on our old barn foundation
~mushroom hunting in the Potager
~In memory of Fred our pekin duck and Redfoot our runner duck
~hay delivery with kids on top
~oldest son with Fred - when he won a blue ribbon and best in show
~me and my husband in Cali
~our eldest daughter holding her little brother 2 yrs. ago
~our youngest baby boy seconds after deliver - 2yrs. ago


  1. I hope I am brave.
    I pray I am able to live what I believe, really and truly.

    Thank you for reminding me of this today...


  2. Bonjour Anne Marie,
    I wanted to come by and thank you for visiting and sharing your wonderful story. When the right one comes along, its just meant to be! I have had such a fabulous time reading all the love stories!
    You have such a beautiful family, and what an inspiration - being brave enough to be what you believe!
    I'll be following laong and will be back soon.

  3. So lovely!!!

    I am brave enough to live what I believe because I have Christ to strengthen me!!!

    Beautiful post!!!

  4. I love your words of wisdom Anne Marie. Fabulous pictures of the farm and your family ;)

  5. i'm trying to be brave and believe in myself...i believe in order to be better at all i do that i must have peace within...i'm working on this...so thank you!

  6. The only way to live!!! :)

    Beautiful post!

  7. Hi Anne Marie,
    I'm glad you are up and running again in blogland. I was going through withdrawls here:( A lovely post as always and always one of inspiration.

  8. Wonderful " Be True to Yourself" post!

  9. Hi Anne Marie.

    I hope this comment finds you well...I so missed your inspirational posts during your computer malfunction!!!

    A few years ago, I embraced this very concept you speak of...to truly BE what I BELIEVE. It involved me taking a leap of faith, quitting my "professional" career, and embracing what I knew I was always meant to be a, a wife and mother...FIRST!!!

    This 2nd year in my new profession as stay-at-home mom has been the best in my life. And guess what, apparently, I'm doing so good at my job that God has granted me an extension...baby #3 is due in late July/early August and our little family of 4 couldn't be happier. Just made the blog announcement today as I hit the 2nd trimester mark...wooo whooo!!!

    Blessings to you ,

  10. Beautiful photographs Anne Marie, of your full,inspirational way of life. XXXX

  11. Hi Anne-Marie,
    I'm so delighted you found my blog and brought me over to meet you and your Na-Da Farm.
    I must say you have created an amazing life for and your beautiful family. What an inspiration you are in today's world!
    This blog of yours looks really cool and I can't wait to go explore it further!!
    Again I'm so glad you found me and brought me by!
    Happy weekend to you and yours :)



  12. Hi Anne Marie
    Yes! Be what you BElieve...
    The best word: BE
    It is what makes us part of and belong to Our Creator ~
    the Great 'I AM.'

    Your children are beautiful!
    Your farm is beautiful!
    God has blessed you
    and now...
    you bless us~

    Thank you ♥

  13. Oh how I love this post...you so inspire me my friend. Your family is so so lovely. Sending you oodles of love this weekend.

  14. Truly a lovely and amazing post.

  15. Welcome back Anne Marie. I Believe you will always be the best you can be!

  16. i love to read about good people who respect themselves, those who are smaller and weaker and the beautiful animals birds and nature that they share life with...thank you for a lovely post!

  17. I love this snapshot of your lives and commend you for living what you believe. It does take courage to be real.

  18. anne marie;
    your thought provoking post has brought me to tears. beautiful images of your family...it touches me to see your daughter so in love with her new brother....
    i love this post very much...
    thank you for sharing a piece of you...
