

This feels a little weird, like sacred ground or something but, this is Parisienne Farmgirl here popping in to Nada Farm Life as a favor for our dearest Anne Marie to tell you that her computer has (hopefully) temporarily bit the dust.

So, she will be taking a little breather from blogging and I imagine enjoying the extra free time to mother, create, think and pray.

Let's pray for her sake that she did not loose all the lovely photographs of her family that she has taken over the last couple years!

In the meantime, I am sure she would wish you peace and wellness and encourage you to take some breaths of clarity too.

I don't know about you, but I already miss her!

Parisienne Farmgirl and of course...


  1. We'll all be here for you Ann Marie when you are up and running again! Miss you!

  2. HI There
    Well that is a shame we will miss her posts, but yes I'm sure she will enjoy the break spending time with her little ones

    .... as for her images, don't let her techo tell her they are unrecoverable... I have managed to pull many things of an old harddrive in the past even if the pc is kaput!!

    Thanks for the post... xx Julie

  3. Oh I do hope your photos are safe and sound...and I look forward to your return:)

  4. Im so sad... she just joined my blog... and I was so honored. I love yours too angela, I delight in your storyteling as well and my hubby enjoys your political discourse. love to you both.
    Hurry back Anne Marie,

  5. So sorry that you have computer trouble, Anne Marie.Thank you, Angela, for filling in and telling us.
    I will send good vibes to your computer and, no offence to Angela, but, we look forward to your return. XXXX

  6. i always swear that instances like these are Gods way of giving us balance. enjoy your break, i'll miss you as my new daily read. here's to your computer making a speedy recovery! ;)

  7. Here's to peace, clarity and a hard drive full of photos she can recover!

  8. What a good friend to post this for her. Hopefully she'll be back soon but I'm sure her family will appreciate the extra time with her.

  9. I am addicted to Nada Farm Life.
    I am really bummed. God will be on her side....We need to pray to the patron saint of computers...don't know who that is...but I'm sure he/she will help.It's the only blog I read faithfully. Me OH MY!,
    what am I to do?????

  10. Blogging isn't the same without our Anne Marie....hope your not gone long...x0x0x0

  11. Sometimes we are forced to do the very thing we need to do.

    You are missed-

  12. Prayers and thoughts with you Anne Marie....for the speedy fix of your computer and for health and happiness for you and your beautiful kiddos!

    Come say high when you return! I'd love to here from ya!

    Peace & Love,

    PS. It will be LENT soon(I'm a fellow Catholic....I will miss your posts!

  13. oh no! i pray everything gets recovered! i put all of my photos on a passport. and i am thinking of subscribing to an online back up systerm that automatically backs up on a daily basis as windows xp makes it difficult (for me anyways! ;~)
