
cow dreams and rosaries......

some girls dream of silk dresses
(*ahem*....yes...me....well, actually, I'd rather have the silk than the dress, so I can make it myself.....)
some girls dream of hosting a fancy "soiree" in their barn (*ahem* again)
and then you have some girls who dream of this guy.......

one of your very own.....breathing up against the barbed wire (with that cute ol' grass hanging in his mouth) while telling me with those eyes (dreamy).......
you want one Anne Marie.......
you know you do......
I have to forget that guy........because I'm in the desert see.......trying to be better.......to sacrifice more......give more.........
but part of that to me, is doing this:
a little quick decorating that brightens up my spirit.......and surrounding myself in my home with who I am.........through a slight touch of red on the hemp heart.......my own dried sage........a favorite crystal rosary......and who doesn't love an old shutter I pulled from the barn, and totally didn't even know I had this wire basket that my lovely sister didn't want (thanks sis).......
Only here..........at Na-Da Farm Life.........will you get dreams of Cows.......and Rosaries........and Marie Antoinette in a wire basket on an old shutter on the same post......which I got here....
that's how my mind works........
see? doesn't that explain so much??
tee hee
and I know this sounds a little strange as well, but since I'm posting strange today, I might as well say: "I hope your are having a good Lent"........I hope you find yourself........spiritually......
Most Sincerely, and totally weirded out today,
Your ever most faithful,


  1. i enjoyed this post. I don't think you are weirded out at all. You have wants that are not typical, but certainly understandable. I love your pretty embellishment of the shutter (which I love but just can't pull off in my wee little house)...but that is your talent, Anne Marie, making a house (farm) a home!


  2. just the title of this lets me know we are on the same wavelegnth...love it.

  3. not wierded out at all. i have always wanted a few cows around our farm. but my husband had cows long ago and know how much work they are. so we just help out our neighbors when they need us.
    love the little vignette you created. beautiful!!

  4. At one time, the field across from our house was FULL of cows...sadly not anymore but I want one, too! Can't seem to convince hubby that it would be worth it or that we could eat it in the end...but what a pastoral scene I picture in my mind's eye! Love your new "corner"....you are the most clever gal ever!

  5. I am going to give all my cows hugs for you, including my new black baby cow. Yes they are cute and we love them, but you know they do smell quite a bit! and it stinks even worse when you have to shovel out the barn.
    I am going to have a wonderful, wierd day, it's my birthday!

  6. He is soo awesome! I would love to have one of those!!! To go with the chickens I don't have!

  7. i think everyone believes i'm weirded out because of my *love* for cows... :0) let me know if you need me to send you one over, have a few for sale ;0)
    i think this is the first time i have left a comment on your blog, have followed for quite a while now...just want to say *thank you* for the continued inspiration...

    faded prairie

  8. I tell people that I want chickens and they look at me like I just fell off the coop!
    Actually, I can't believe you DON'T have a cow now that I think about it. I mean, you have a GOOSE for pete's sake AND a pony!

  9. I love your 'pot pourri' of things, Anne Marie.
    The wire basket is beautiful (it's good when sisters don't want things, isn't it ?)made even more beautiful with all of your additions and the lovely cow with the soft brown eyes is part of your lifestyle. A lovely mixture of some of your favourite things. XXXX

  10. for lent i decided my biggest challenge would be to stop yelling at my 13 year old who is trying my already lack of patience self!

    giving up sweets woulda been easier than this :)

    love that darn cow

  11. Well, that's a lot of bull.....

    Your thrown together ornamentation is divine...heavenly...ethereal yet grounded.
    Come over and help me...

  12. When someone writes as you do Anne Marie, I think it is important for the writer to periodically hear that there is someone else out in the universe who reads between the lines-
    In fact - someone who lives between the lines.

    Dare I say I get it?

    It's not about the cow- it's the wanting and living with wanting.
    It's not about the new embellishment- it's about the doing of it with the precious gifts from others and our own God given creativity.

    As usual, I am leaving this post refreshed and inspired.


  13. That is so funny because I have been trying to talk my hubby into the sweetest little Jersey that you have ever seen. Her big eyes with those long eyelashes just want to come and live at my house.

  14. I think being weird is great!
    xo Susie~

  15. I just love a rosary hanging about just as a reminder. Beautiful collection of ityems in your basket and somehow they all make sense.

  16. You're not weird... you're awesome!
    In fact so awesome that you've been awarded the sunshine award over at La Dolfina!! Please come and get it :)
    Hope you've had a lovely weekend!!
    ~xo always,

  17. I want that cow too! If only he could graze upon the slope of a hill we live on...too bad there is no grass. Hence, this is why we have it up for sale!

  18. From one farm chick to another, I soooo understand. Nope, not a bit weird my twisted sista'! Heeeheehe!

    God bless ya'll and have a glorious week!!!
