well, he's not a "baby", he's 2, but he gets called that alot (by a certain mama) quite often.......
The early morning sun is up.....so let's have some tea.........while I talk.........

as I hold him close after cleaning up the kitchen, and the rest of the kids are in bed, he snuggles right up to my neck and kisses me and starts to hummmm......and sing......softly......

I always sing to my kids before bed.........
one of them, little miss darling (most endearingly named without joke) when about 2, was being held by me, before bed, and as I was singing to her gently, in my most motherly singing voice I could muster, stopped me short..........looked up to my face...........put her hand on my mouth.......and said "no mama".........pushed me away........and pointed to her bed........
no, she's not at all independent...........(because there's no possible way I was singing terrible right?)
anyhow, back on subject......I had my baby last night in my arms, all cuddled, and at that moment, all these thoughts came rushing through me........but one particular one jumped at me, like a "duh" moment:
I am a mom to 5 children..........and THAT is my vocation.......Not like I didn't know this before........but sometimes it just feels different.......you see it changing......you look at yourself from outside of yourself.......
I spend so much time 'wanting' other things for the garden..........kitchen...........my sewing basket........
Can any of you relate??
There's always these projects, recipes, crafts, organizing, etc, and with the net here, well, if you knew me, you'd say "step away from the computer" because I already had so many ideas before seeing all the talent (good thing I don't watch TVright!).......
let's just say I have lots of saved files on my computer, with a big ol' inspiration board I frequently look at.........that changes all the time......... I'm always doing these "things" around the house, that I enjoy, and I sometimes feel like I have my foot stuck in the crack of the door, waiting to throw it open and say "hi there world; look what I have done" and everyone goes crazy mad for it!
I'm a mama to five children
my first and foremost job is to love my husband, and then my kids - which if you are a mom, you know what I mean........
and no, I don't have to cook organic, have a Potager, bake my own bread from scratch, while sipping on my homemade hot cocoa from real chocolate..........and sew my curtains and stitch my own clothes.......while home schooling them all........
I'm a mama to five children
I do it for them
I do it for Him
I would do it for you if you walk through my door
I do it for me,
and that is just who I am...........
and sometimes people say I do too much - I don't think I do enough -
I am a constantly changing individual, who is a mama to five children.
~Here's hoping you are embracing your vocation~
there's no higher calling ...
ReplyDeleteyou wear it well
Yes, Anne Marie. a thousand times, yes.
ReplyDeleteI, also, am a wife of one and a mama to 5 children. Ages 36 to 17. And I speak from experience when I say it is the hardest job on earth. And, oddly enough, it is also the easiest job on earth. And, like you, I do it for HIM.
Peace and blessings to you and yours this day,
AHHHHH. Yes, much needed. I embrace your post xo.Recieved!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post...sending you much love today mother of five. I am so going to go hug my 3 children right now. xoxoxoo
ReplyDeleteOH gosh, brainwaves girl...I swear, we share them!
You will encourage many of us with this post. Sending you an email with link on this subject!
Your post is beautifully worded and completely true. As I was reading it I was thinking to myself: Yes, yes, that's it...she's exactly right!
ReplyDeleteI often ask myself, what is it that I was put here by God to do? What is my talent, what is it that He wants me to be doing? But the very thing has been in front of me all along. I mean, I obviously know that being a wife and mom is so important and I work very hard to be the best at both I can be but it hit me as I was reading your post that yes, that is what I am called to do right now. THAT is my vocation. I just had a DUH moment as well! I guess I kept thinking that I was not doing enough. That there was something else I should be doing as well. Thank you for voicing your thoughts and your wisdom.
God Bless,
I pray this every day. "Lord, give me wisdom to teach these three boys you gave me so they end up godly men for YOU!"
ReplyDeleteExcellent Post! I agree with you, what higher calling do we have than raising children! And I love that you pointed out that we must love our husband's first, and then love our children. Sometimes that priority gets distorted.
ReplyDeleteI am a wife, student, and (hopefully) someday will be able to live on a farm like you again, and have five children of my own! :)
I have to tell you, some of the very best years of my life were spent raising my girls and I was very blessed to be a stay at home mom. Those years fly by so fast that when they are over you wonder where they went, even if you stayed present for every moment they simply go by too fast!
ReplyDeleteHi Ann Marie,
ReplyDeleteI love this post! From a momma of six children I know how you feel in your heart. In my past life (I call it that,because it seems so far away now that the children are grown)I had a life very much like your own. Grew all of our own food, made every stitch of our clothing, made every loaf of bread that we ate...and loved every minute doing it. When Landon came along things changed a little of course, but not much, I still canned everything I could get into a jar, still did the sewing and the gardening. But as the children all left (that's the downside of having them all so close together...they leave close together too) my vegetable garden then became mostly flower garden to nourish my lonely soul and my sewing of clothes became sewing pretty things for my home, and you don't have to make very many loaves of bread anymore. But I am still mamma to six children...even if they do live away. Tahnk you for reminding me of the good ole days.
Great post and great blog....so glad you visited me so that I could find you. I love the 'summer house' images.
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend to you!
this is beautiful...you are beautiful my friend. such love in your words....i love your vocation and i hope one day it's mine too....
ReplyDeletehappy weekend sweet anne marie
{oh and i play the flute and guitar too....}
Dear Anne Marie,
ReplyDeleteI think that it is quite simple eally..... you are a mum of 5 children.
... and that's it.
You, love it, you live it and you embrace it and it is the best job in the world. XXXX
Loved today's post, Anne Marie.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been by in a while b/c I have had so much on my mind of late, but I think of you often b/c of the inspiration you are.
I am so excited to become a "mom to 3 children" this summer! I can not wait!
Ironically, my sister and I were talking about our work outside the home vocations. I have been trying to decide on some graduate level courses and I mentioned that I was looking into some Special Education coursework (just to keep up my certificate; not to return to the classroom anytime soon). My sister mentioned that she's always thought that I would make a great special ed teacher.
Well, earlier this week we got some news that perhaps Baby #3 has Down's Syndrome. It's still early, nothing is definitive, and I am refusing amniocentesis as it is just too risky and won't change the final outcome.
So, I guess God does work in mysterious ways. And if he chooses to bless our family with a special needs kiddo, then I can only believe it is b/c He thinks that I am the right mother for this little soul.
Hope you are staying warm and cozy inside and not craving the outdoors too much. We are about to go stir crazy at our house. Just when the snow melts, more comes our way!!!
beautifully said. i thank God everyday for my two beautiful boys and for the patience to keep doing all that I do.
ReplyDeletebeautiful photos today too!
My oldest son asked me today where I "worked" and I told him at home with him and his brother, Owen...he said "no, mom WHERE DO GO TO WORK?" I said, "AT HOME." then he said "I don't get it?" Thank you for this post. Our children may not understand now why we do what we do for them but one day they will. Being mother is the only job on this earth that is combination of every other job on the planet! Our rewards are in heaven! xoC
ReplyDeleteBless you, mother of five children. You are doing such an amazing job.
ReplyDeleteHearing about your hard work reminds me of a Gladys Taber quote: "Think of the women all over the world, quietly and faithfully carrying on their burdens. No trumpets blowing for them, perhaps, but the sound of the kettle steaming cozily."
I loved reading about you and your family...I, too, come from a Hungarian heritage. My grandfather was a Hungarian filmmaker, Imre Làzàr. I wish I had learned Hungarian...
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and saying hello, it's so nice to 'meet' you!
I'm looking forward to following your posts.
Warm Greetings,
country girl
i am so happy that you stopped by my blog because now i know of yours, and lovely it is. i'll be stopping by daily:). you and your children are beautiful.... you have to be pretty amazing to be a mother of 5. i'm not yet a mother, but i hope to some day be. i look forward to reading more about your life with your children, your talents, your 'wants'.....
ReplyDeletehave a lovely weekend, thank you again for stopping by.
I love this photograph!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with City Farmer...there is no higher call than to be a mother. I can totally relate to what you are saying. I so love being a mom. I am in love with my children (well, not exactly w/ my cranky 13 year old right now...but most of the time!) I am trying to savor every minute & I truly dread the day they move out. I have just loved it. Oh to have a little baby again.....lucky girl!! :o)
You speak my heart so many times. My Wednesday post will talk about this. Beautiful post and pretty fantastic job!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is just such a sweet post. I miss holding my kids and snuggling up with them. These moments with them go by way too fast. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMy two are now 22 and 17. Oh how I miss those days of snuggling them! I could almost smell their freshly bathed scent again when you were telling of your baby being in the crook of your neck.
ReplyDeleteThere truly is no higher calling.
Beautifully expressed...
ReplyDeleteLovely post Anne. I love the picture of you and your children. It just warms my heart. I have those Duh moments too. Like when I am trying to accomplish too much outside of my responsibilities as a wife and mommy. I had to take a break from doing childcare in my home and helping out @ church, because right now my minisrty is my family. I was streched too thin, and there will be plenty of time for that when my own children are grown.
I just found your blog and I am so inspired. You are an inspiration to this sometimes "whiny" mom of only two boys.:) You obviously are a very beautiful person inside and out. Oh! I love the "Elizabeth"! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteWe need to start a club..Mom's of 5..what a calling!! People often ask me why we had 5..I say God was loading my husbands quiver..6 wasn't meant to be. I too homeschooled all of them. They are now 33-23 years old. We now have 8 soon to be 9 grandchildren. Enjoy your children now..it will fly by so fast. Your creative side will have to slowly wait..and then ..bingo you have a short window..before the grandchildren arrive..lol
ReplyDeleteI think we as moms..and staying at home..get creative in other ways..how to make meals interesting..I decorate my garden area..I'm out there so much..lol..I even decorated my laundry room..another area..with 5..that you spend alot of time in!!
I think you are doing a great job!!
Enjoyed reading your blog!!
Cindy from Texas
My first visit here and it feels like home. Came over from Bardot In Blue (my sweet daughter who I home schooled for her junior year in HS). And you with 5 precious children and home schooling them all, now that is an accomplishment. Being "Mama" is truly our highest calling. Your space here is just lovely and you shine through. Was tempted to leave my comment on the latest post with the beautiful dress you created {such talent}, but my heart led me here instead to your finest achievement. I will definitely return for beauty and inspiration.
ReplyDeleteIf you visit my blog, be sure to read my "About" page.