
getting ready........

a new line of colors for my short and long "Elizabeth"..........

and lots and LOTS of talking/planning/cleaning.........
(and each week, I'll feature new things and 'teasers' that I am planning for the sale)

all for you

when you visit me at the farm
at the farm/barn sale

and if you live in Illinois and want to come.......you can get the address by e-mailing me at:

and to follow along with other events at the farm, go to Na-Da Farm Events

have a glorious weekend!


  1. I am so excited about your sale! My sister Joyce from I love pretty little things and her friend Renee from Sewn with Grace are coming form MI on Sat. See you then!!


  2. A.M., I wish I was closer! I know it will be fabulous and do give us the blow by blow details so we can live vicariously through you!

  3. I just happend upon your beautiful blog! And I am so glad I did. Your work is lovely. I have been inspired and uplifted. Thanks!
    It was wonderful to meet you today.

  4. it's going to be such a beautiful sale...i hope that the weather is perfect for you!

  5. Love that picture of the two of you! I wish I lived closer, I'd be there in a heartbeat!

  6. Trying to figure out how to be at the sale on Friday and home for Greaduation pasrty on Saturday...cause I am loving the dresses and I hear the potager is worth the drive....

  7. Hi Anne Marie! I was clicking away and somehow came upon your blog ~ it is beautiful, as is your farm and home. I loved all your posts and the beauty that you have shown. Can't wait to follow along with what's happening at your farm ~ I would love to come to your sale, wish I were closer.
    :) Sarah

  8. i can't wait for you sale.

  9. Can't wait for our trip to Na-Da Farm! :)

  10. Hallo, Sweden here....

    I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!

    Regards from Agneta

  11. oh to be in the midwest...farm and fru fru is far east so we will have to content ourselves with a virtual tour...take loads of pictures please...

  12. Oh Anne Marie,

    If I was in Illinois, I would be there in a hot minute....thank you for coming to my birthday bash!!! VIVE MARIE! And let us eat cake....Anita

  13. I wished I lived closer too! It sounds like a perfect place to spend a day. . .can't wait to hear more!

  14. What a wonderful event this is going to be! I would so love to attend, geography really sticks sometimes. :-(

    Have fun!


  15. Ooooooo can't wait to come!!!!!! I know it will be fabulous! A short version of Elizabeth sounds great, might have to buy one for myself :)

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  16. Why don't I live closer???? Hugs for a great day....you are such a tease. xoxo
