
my earth day.....

Okay....so this will sound so "corny" to you (pun intended) but every day is an earth day for me......

and no.......I cannot be 100% self sustainable (yet) - I simply do not have the funds to do so, or the want at this time with 5 little kids......

So, with that being said........there is not one day that passes that I do not thank God for this abundant earth.

I studied environmental science in college (at that time, there were only 2 options for such a degree........Montana U, or SIU........
oh how times have changed) and most of my time was organizing clean ups - not picketing - or chaining myself to a tree and wearing hemp clothing - but learning how to help others.........listening to my peers and professors.........

My path (I thought) was going to be in geology........or some kind of big impact job for a state, or even the country..........

Little did I know at that time that I wouldn't be doing some high 'falutin' job, but rather, a humble hobby farm owner with 5 kids and some very interesting chickens and horses.
what did I take away from my studies?...........
what this earth needs is a simple slow approach to basic care.........using traditional methods and innovated techniques.........

I also minored in health and wellness........and climbing, repelling, and mountain biking my way through my college years and into my 20's certainly aided in a better awareness of our natural surroundings as well.........

I think I am pretty aware of my surroundings

and with now 5 children.........the need is even greater to do my part my way........and I certainly am not going to make or think everyone else wants or desires to be organic, or live a better lifestyle........for people to taste fresh from the garden food though - well - they certainly turn to a more natural approach to eating shortly after -

I started a certified naturally grown (equivalent to organic status, but due to my income I did not actually qualify to be 'organically certified') CSA
what's a CSA? It stands for Community Supported Agriculture
and it's a wonderful opportunity for families to get fresh from the farm food once a week! Food that is fresh! in season!! and so good for you.....some farms even offer work time, seminars, and wonderful other programs for you and your family to enjoy
please support your local farmers
(it's what grass roots are all about)

Do I have dreams of running a huge organic farm

no..........it's for my family, friends, and a few customers (think slow.........think simple......think tradition)

Do I want to keep up the CSA?

yes........but there were many different variables that are keeping my customers back this year, per MY request........last year was cold...........plants didn't grow very well..........
and so, a greenhouse is needed here at Na-Da Farm.........

plans to add one to my corn crib (aka 'chicken coop/rooster inn').........and God willing, it will happen

By first looking at someone's garden, you can't tell if it's organic or not.........

but oh how important it is to nurture your surroundings...........but really people.......don't get too hard on the farmers spraying (even though I gag and get the horses in and close all windows and doors when they do spray).......
because too many farmers I have talked to have fallen into two traps: pesticides and hybridized seeds..........and it's almost if they are 'stuck'..........
don't go picketing them........because really; they don't like it either and are really trying to work at finding another way - truly!!
And with the wildlife that lands in the fields that surround the farm, it's so easy to fall into that 'upset at the farmer' mode........the "how can they do that?"...........just do what you can.......with you and your family before thinking globally.........think locally (yeah, I know, that's slogan is already taken)

So, Anne Marie has a "motto" today:
Think slow...........think simple.........think tradition
and that's my Na-Da Farm Earth Day extravaganza......
God Bless this Earth and all it's inhabitants


  1. What a beautiful post and very inspirational! Your farm looks beautiful, and I can't wait to see it!

  2. Hi Anne Marie - I haven't been around for a while because I've been forced to think fast, think complicated and think non-traditionally, regarding my job. However, I realized a few weeks ago that this is going to do me in quicker or worse. So, I'm really taking steps toward your advice that you describe here. It applies to all walks of life. Thanks, it's always nice to rest a while here, on your farm.

  3. Dear Anne Marie,
    What a wonderful post for Earth Day.
    You are doing a wonderful job and, I admire you greatly.
    I live a completely different life to you, living quite close to London but, I try my best. I love to buy from our local farmers, do my recycling but, I probably don't do enough. I love your life ethic and am completely in awe at the hard work that you put in and with a husband and 5 children to look after.
    You are my Earth Day hero today. XXXX

  4. I really loved this post! I really appreciate all the love and hardwork you put into what you do. I try to only buy from the local growers here and what I don't, I try to grow myself in my little garden.
    Thank you for the inspiration and keep up the good work! :)

  5. I like this very approachable attitude to Earth Day. I grew up with a hippie dad and I respect the earth-I even spent two weeks at the Mother Earth News Seminar when I was younger-I view it as Stewardship of His creation -and I live with intention ( most of the time) I love our abundant planet- but I love our abundant father more!
    On another note I invited you to participate in a little game see yesterdays post!

  6. Anne Marie...thanks for a very thoughtful post....well done. We are one of those family farms (dairy) trying to survive...support not one but 7 families....in a county that used to have dozens of dairies....and now has only 3-4...all the while watching land values skyrocket...making it more difficult to purchase land for "farming"...when developers can purchase for developing. Hanging onto what is already ours...farming in what is now almost suburbia...watching those who move out here searching for "clean country living" flick my son off....because he is driving a tractor from one field to the next....too slow....Balance. Balance...it's all about balance. Thanks for recognizing that today...of all days....

  7. Since I'm in slow mo this spring I have had the opportunity to REALLY stop and smell the blossoms this year.
    I sniff the blooming cherry tree, the apple trees, the pear, and one of my faves---that incredible Judd vibernum.
    Some of the forsythia are still bursting and the lilacs are budding out as well.
    The happy tulips are still popping up in unusual places.
    It's all gloriously good----
    But I have to admit, that nasty thistle and garlic mustard is making me crazy!!!!!!

  8. So true how the chemical controls are a spiraling trap--I think it's best if we each do OUR best, don't judge, but as Paul so wisely instructs about sharing faith, the same ideas can translate to sharing about environmental values--gently, kindly, with patience and with love. (Can you tell I'm reading the 2 Timothy letters these days?)
    Bless you for doing the good work.

  9. I love your post...everyday being Earth Day. I went a similar route as you in college...began as an art major(thats my true calling), changed to a Food and Nutrition major. I studies, lived, breathed the 'natural' path...running, biking, rowing...then I signed with the Peace Corp upon graduation to go to Ghana, Africa and work with women and children in a health clinic. But I was a newly wed and God had other plans. When I found out I was pregnant the P.C would no longer take us. We began our family using cloth diapers, breastfeeding, organic eating/including babyfood, gardening,recyleing, simple living(tiny home using wicker for our living room furniture, a garden bistro table and chairs for dining...less is more...and we were debt free). We had dreams of living on land, organic farms, chickens, horses, cow, a few sheep. As the children grew we began Home education...never knew I would be a teacher for 15 years. And now...I'm still gardening, recycling, eating/living naturally/organically, trying to become debt free again and am in the in-between...wanting to remain home but needing to help with income...applying for jobs in teaching, nutrition, and arts. Praying/listening and waiting for HIM to place me where I belong now. You are one whom inspires me to keep on in the simple ways...the path less traveled. Thank you. I'll be thinking of you in your gardens with your children today. ox

  10. Beautiful post of thoughts, ideas and pic's! Very inspiring to me both visually and intellectually. Thank you for taking the time to post=)

    I would love to hear about your CSA more... we just started our own farm a year ago in NC. It will be our retirement career. We are trying to consider different ways of operating and I was wondering how difficult a CSA would be?? Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Happy Earth day to you=)

  11. by far the best Earth Day post I have seen, I wish I loved near you to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. I love seeing pics of your farm and your sweet helpers! Happy Friday to you Anne Marie.

  13. Hi Anne Marie!

    Absolutely lovely post!!!

    These photos give me so much inspiration..!

    Wishing you a great weekend!

  14. beautiful post! You're so right. Every day is earth day just like every day is the Lord's day. :)

  15. I have so much to say but for now...


  16. Anne Marie, I love this post. It is exactly what we (my husband and me) think about having our own little farm, which gives us some fruits and lots of vegetables during spring/summer and in part Autumn. We work the land together with my father and we're now planning a greenhouse for the cold winters and early spring.
    I love your blog and I will follow you with delight. Francesca-Italy
