
lemon and lavender

as some of us know, life can be scented like lavender fields and sunshine, or as sour as a lemon...

I consider my life a mix of both

and actually, cooking with lemon and lavender is delightful with chicken

I'm just saying....

too many people I meet are so down trodden with their lives!  savor the sweet and use the sour to turn it into something fresh

go ahead...........give it a try!

xo + blessings,


  1. Well said, Anne Marie!

    May you be blessed with lots and lots of lemonade!:)


  2. The lemons and lavender looks so fabulous together. I never tried to cook with lavender. Do you have the chicken recipe?


  3. I love the smell of lavender, but have not tried to cook with it. I also really, really love lemons. Now what does that say? lol

  4. What a true
    and wise message,
    Anne Marie!
    I still have the
    tiny sprigs of
    lavendar that you
    included in my
    Elizabeth package,
    sitting on my
    windowsill {and
    in the first photo
    in my latest post}!
    What a lovely
    You should post
    the recipe! And
    the one for your
    rhubarb vinaigrette,
    please : )!!
    xx Suzanne

  5. See, another photograph that could torn from the page from a magazine..such talent. You should submit them to someone..I don't who.lol Just someone who could publish them.

    I was reading some memoirs of family members that grew up during the depression. Three or four sentences of how hard the time were, among pages and pages of fond memories of simpler pleasures. Your post reminded me of them. That and I would love some lemon curd about now!

    Have a wonderful evening, Lynea

  6. It is all good, isn't it?

    Thank you Anne Marie-


  7. I love to think of life as lavender and lemons!
    The photos were beautiful!
    Thanks so much for always sharing your talents so freely.

  8. Amen to this post!

    And love the new header...gorgeous photos.


  9. Wonderful combination. I love your photos..

  10. I love that combination too...have you had Lavender Honey...its so good!! Love your photos my friend,have a lovely day! x0

  11. I love those scents! You have way more lavender than I have!

  12. Yummmmm...
    Lavender...lemon POUND CAKE!
    It is really the best..must dig
    out my recipe.
    Hugs my dear friend..enjoy you
    sweet day. xoxo

  13. Oh Anne Marie,
    You beat me to it !! You were next on my list for commenting. I have just got back from my sisters and am so behind with commenting ..... I'm trying to catch up and failing miserably !! I hope to be back on track soon.
    Isn't my brother-in-laws car wonderful ? He and my husband go to Le Mans in France every summer for a week and I stay wth my sister. They have 'car' fun and we have 'eat, drink and shopping fun' !! hehe. My sister lives a couple of hours drive away from me and lives in a wonderful town. I'm afraid where I live isn't quite so pretty but I am really close to some very pretty villages. My sister and I went to Rye which is a wonderful English seaside town. It was the birthdays of some friends of ours and you will see the party they had, as I took photographs. There maybe some more inspiration there for you !!
    Now, enough about me.....your photographs of Lemons and Lavender are just beautiful. Whenever we have a chicken I always put a lemon and herbs in the cavity, it gives it so much flavour, doesn't it ?
    Have a lovely week, Anne Marie. XXXX

  14. anne marie~
    i can't believe it...i just posted about lemons and our lives and then i came to my dashboard and saw yours. a little eerie.
    obviously...i love this post. :)
    your photos and message are wonderful.
    now i'm craving some lavender to add to my home.

    beautiful fragrance indeed.


  15. i am a new lover of lavender. thanks to you. beautiful post anne marie.

  16. How about lemon and lavender macs during for next visit!!!

  17. lemon & lavender is such a lovely combination.... just saying them together sounds fabulous!

  18. Your pictures are always SO beautiful, Anne Marie! It's so true. You have to take the good with the bad and visa versa... don't dwell on the negative things in life. :)
    Enjoy the rest of your week!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  19. Hi Anne Marie,

    LOVE this post! Very well put.

    God Bless,

  20. HI Anne Marie
    Well I just love this,... Lavender and Lemons.. I do agree .. perfect combination... and opposites on the colour wheel so they compliment each other... [sorry.. couldn't help myself.. hahaha]

    so... my internet at the new place is well.... FICKLE!! haha.. making me a little nuts with how slow and sometimes non existent.. hence not blogging much.. Hope you are all well.. xxx Julie
