
from humus to heaven...

us women are inundated with being a "self-sustaining organic only/entrepreneurial self sufficient/gourmet cooking genius/who should have their children in every activity possible/be an amazing photographer or blogger/totally fit with terrific hair/their own magnificent decorator who sews their own pillows,curtains and stencils galvanized buckets so she will have time for filling up the glass jars in the pantry lined perfectly and labeled with precision that she just about has to be perfect for this world or she feels worthless"

for real?

since when is is NOT okay to just be a mom?

do you ever hear your 13 year old daughter say:  "I can't wait to be a Mom!"

well, if not, that could be because the amount of pressure that it takes to just be "totally amazing" according to what her mom might be pursuing could be the reason...........

we, as mothers, should be a little less preoccupied with being perfect for this world, and instead think about being perfect for Him

that means, every single thing you do should be a decision of getting you to heaven

every.  single.  thing.

ask yourself before making any decision (and no, I don't mean should I wear the red sweater type of decision) "is this leading me towards being a saint?"

I think it's about time we get over ourselves

we aren't great

we aren't fantastic/amazing/magnificent

get over yourself

we are created in His image..........but we sure muck it up with all the world don't we?

the only reason you are able to cook that amazing meal is because He gave you that gift - so thank Him

the only reason you are able to live in your house is because He gave you that gift - so thank Him

the only reason you are able to embrace your children is because He gave you those gifts - so thank Him

the only reason you are suffering inside, is because you are refusing to give Him thanks in good and bad, in gifts of both sacrifice and joy

which brings us back to being submissive...being humble.....the word humility comes from the Latin word humilitas

humilitas is derived from the word humus....which means the earth 

humility it truth....because it shows the truth about ourselves

is it hard to just be a mom?  do you see other women/moms succeeding in their own business or even just succeeding in their decorating??  blogging???

not only is that jealousy, but it is surely not being humble

the depth of your faith = the depth of your humility

*oh boy*

that one made me stop in my tracks when that came to mind.......how often I fall and how often I have to get back up

i am working from the ground up.......from humus to heaven


  1. Beautifully written. We ALL need to be reminded. Thank you.

    1. thank you Jennifer - us women have our work cut out for us

  2. A wonderful reminder for our hearts. Thank you! God loves us with our flaws and wants us to live for Him not ourselves. Blessings

    1. so true...isn't it so reassuring knowing that he loves us for who we are anyhow?

  3. Anne Marie you ask such thought provoking questions...and I read your blog every time my side bar indicates you have a new post. Not looking for the latest design advice but for a dose of accountability. This was my aha moment... "that means, every single thing you do should be a decision of getting you to heaven"...."is this leading me towards being a saint?" I'm writing that down!! Keep it coming. The Lord is using your blog as a ministry :) Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Hi Mary Anne - thank you for reading...and be careful for what you ask for ;-)

  4. Oh my. So clear and so frank.
    This has left me breathless.


    1. we all need some clarity don't we Fra?
      God bless you at this time of your pregnancy! working on your letter!!

  5. Thank you. It IS hard being all that. God is in my everyday life, and sometimes I lose track of that. He reminds me in small ways all the time. But thank you for your reminder!

  6. That is beautiful and true. Can I ask you a personal question? What is your religion?

  7. Not sure why, but when I read this it made me teary............

  8. Poignant post and the words humus, heaven and humility grabbed my attention.

  9. Ouch!! that was a good short sharp reminder to be more thankful..thanks

  10. Oh my gosh, your thoughts and words always stop me in my tracks. This post especially. I believe I'm working from the ground up as well. Thank you for your kind and honest words and heart.

    Happy Thanksgiving ~

  11. Why aren't little girls just playing house anymore, or saying I just want to grow up to be a mom? Times are so different now from when I was raised in the 60's & 70's. As I have always told my children, such simpler times then, and they were the best of times. I was raised in the "June Clever" era. Humility..that is a wonderful word, but I don't feel people are projecting it either. You get it Ann Mare and you are already established in your own right, but never lose focus of what it is really truly all about, just being "MOM". Their mom that they will cherish wonderful memories of forever, as I have of mine.

  12. I love your soulful, humble heart!! I am glad the Lord loves each and everyone of us no matter what. I love that you challenge each of us to look to Him--he is using you in such wonderful ways. I also come to see your words that touch me deeply, very deeply! Love the picture of your family--you are all so precious. Enjoy every moment of this beautiful holiday season.

  13. I wish I could have a cup of tea with you. Thanks for your post.

  14. The only reason I am suffering is because I am refusing to give Him thanks. I am struggling with that one........I am having difficulty .....just lost my precious daughter........

  15. It amazes me time after time... how much we humans can reveal about ourselves through our writing, through what we say, our beliefs, by what we blog and verbalize... There's a 'certain' amount of danger here too, as I see it, even in our religious zealous... and I meant 'arrogance' by overestimating our positive qualities and abilities and underestimating others... I see some anger too and wonder, if perhaps you have forgotten that in the end all it really matters is LOVE. I'm so thankful that God loves me in spite of the way I am!” That is grace.

    Many people border on religious fanaticism, expending great amounts of energy in a direction that doesn’t please God. Only zeal based on knowledge is ultimately pleasing to God. Romans 10:1-4,
