
find the poetry

i have found it rather dull posting about my hutch.....
there is no poetry in a hutch...or in a silver cup......

Life is poetry in my eyes........like a ray of sunshine on a cold winter day

the objects that adorn that silver cup (which is the oldest family heirloom i own), and the feathers and holy cards, and even the books.....brings forth the sounds of poetry

To sit on my chair in there, and look at my hutch, is to notice the details that speak to me...all my deceased grandmother's silver, quite the stylish decorator she was......the peace i find at St.Anne and her Blessed daughter Mary.........
The hutch and silver are but hard objects, but the poetry inside, like a good book or an amazing person sings........
~Awaken your senses and find the poetry in your life~
for those of you who were participating in photographic challenge, here's what i meant.......that if you didn't find any images to photograph that spoke "life" to you, it's because life comes from within, through a higher power, and even though tempting as it was to photograph my son's eyes, it still didn't mean "life" to me........the only thing remotely close to 'life' was sunshine - something uncontrolled and warming to my soul......
NEXT CHALLENGE: "finding the poetry in your life"


  1. I love your thought provoking challenges. Finding the poetry...this I will have to think about. I'm with you on the holy cards - I love them, have always loved them and they do speak to me. When I was little, my mom and gram would bring me holy cards from funeral masses (which seems sort of morbid, but the pictures were always so beautiful and what a beautiful way to honor someone who has passed). Have a great weekend!

  2. Hi Anne Marie,
    Love your sweet post. My Friday post kind of fits. I didn't plan it, but I inadvertently was trying to do just what you are talking about!

    Enjoy your weekend, hope the sun shines sweetly for you!

  3. that is a brilliant newman tune..so many movies come to mind all of them good ones:) come see me, were doing a color a day for a week. might you be interested.? it's so much fun and gets you picking up the camera . todays color is pink any shade ...xo

    so with you on the sun:) it is a complete life giver:)x

  4. I adore the composition of the last image of the three of them lined up...gorgeous. there is no poetry in things, this I know for sure, poetry is a memory even if it is seconds long:) and yours are beautiful x

  5. I do so wish to share my 'personal photos' of the week...
    To BE STILL with the life surrounding me is so difficult for someone like me who openly shares so much ~
    A good challenge ~ it helps me to 'still' myself
    ~a sweet weekend to you~
