
late May...

my kitchen garden...is really called my Potager (as most of you already know)

and I am BEYOND embarrassed from those of you who took tours through the gardens to not see much color and smell much fragrance......(like the privet shown here that is now blooming...that has the most delicious fresh smell)


my gardens need to redeem themselves! so here's a few pictures I took this past week that I wanted to share with you

and as far as inside the Potager is concerned.....it was the paths and my favorite statue that rests on top of an antique urn.....

but now.....we planted 4 Arborvitae in the center, and someday they will be joined at the top to create a living gazebo....
it's beautiful to be living isn't it?...take this day and think nothing but beautiful thoughts

toss away all ill will and unrest, like you would the weeds in the garden

and open your life to the beauty that surrounds you

have a wonderful weekend!


  1. your gardens are looking magnificent.
    have a beautiful weekend.

  2. Your garden is looking beautiful, especially with those long shadows at the end of the day.

  3. What wonderful words to live by. Beauty heals a lot of wounds, that's for sure!

  4. Hi Anne Marie! I LOVE the addition of the arbs in your garden. We have many on our property and they are probably triple the size of what they were when we moved in nine years ago. I also love your vision of the pergola they will create. I thought your potager was beautiful even as it was last weekend, as evidenced by my photos! Hope you are out enjoying the sunshine! xx P&H

  5. Gorgeous Anne Marie!! I am so glad everything is blooming!! I bet those Arbor Vitae are going to be amazing!

  6. I just love your potager! Reminds me of the gardens in France. Perfectly manicured and divided into sections! Have a lovely weekend and thanks for stopping by to meet Stanley! You have a pooch...don't you? I'm not sure if I've ever seen pictures of one. I know you have plenty of other animals though to keep busy! P.s your Sale looked gorgeous! Wish I could have been there!

  7. I just adore your gardens! I have just started gardening & it's addictive - I hope one day mine look as beautiful as yours!

  8. Anne Marie-
    Your garden is beautiful.
    Are you exhausted?
    Have you rested?


  9. Thanks for sharing BEAUTIFUL photos and ENCOURAGING words :)

  10. I do love your graden "potager" so much! Have a wonderful Sunday you too!

  11. puh-lease... these pictures are SO fabulous & your garden looks spectacular, but us girls absolutely loved sauntering about your garden & playing on your tree swings last weekend!

    "mrs. b"'s younger sister, here... after last weekend, i found your blog and have been thoroughly enjoying it ever since.

    there is a picture of a faaabulous (and possibly familiar..?) new bracelet of mine in my most recent post... thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

  12. Lovely Gardens! Lovely Post! We enjoyed visiting and we're following you now. Thanks for your words of inspiration. Glad & Celia/Junebug

  13. What do you mean you wouldn't let me take your photo in front of a door??? Harsh, harsh words:-) Your garden looks beautiful. My friend in the first photo is Melody Ross.

  14. What a wonderful way to think abuot life..I try to toss away all negative thoughts each and every day while I go for my jog....thinking of them as weeds makes lots of sense...you have a gorgeous blog...

  15. are you kidding Jeanne? i really do not like my picture taken......if I had hair like you I would, or looked as cute as your friend Melody (even her name is cool)

  16. Beautiful words of wisdom that I would love to do more often and I am indeed trying today more than yesterday.

  17. your garden, i mean potager, is just amazing. you make me want to dig up my whole yard and start anew. thanks for the beautiful words that accompany this post. makes me stop and think. which is always good.
