
safety pin.....

All the clients I sew for are special to me
What do you do when you get a client that is THE most important person?

This client really won't care if you made it out of a rough hemp cloth or the finest silk......

but I do

it's God


I sew for God...to me it's for Him...even though the request is of this world....
(above picture of a veiling I made out of an old embroidered cassock, and laid over with golden fabric and trim for the tabernacle)

I have been doing this sewing for only about 10 months

little old me that sews curtains and slipcovers for clients..........dresses for my girls, and pillows for our home..............but Him?.......

let me tell you a little story....................................
(I know, you are so excited to read another one of Anne Marie's stories right?....sorry, but I need to share this..........I really hope I haven't told this one yet)

here I was kneeling in Church, 10 months ago...........at a new place for us to worship.....

we only knew a few people from this new church.......................one of them approached me while I was kneeling, because he heard I knew how to sew........he said "there is an emergency with the vestments, and even a safety pin will work....do you have one?"
"I might in the car....let me go check", I said

This was the first time I had been asked to do something at this new place.......
FRANTICALLY I searched the car.........tore apart the console, purse, diaper bag...........

all I found was a tiny safety pin for like a polly pocket or something - crazy small -

I rushed inside, tried to fix the problem..........problem temporarily solved

(still with me?)
I returned to my exact spot I was before, kneeling..........put my head down to try to catch my breath............

I prayed to Him...........told Him that if this is what He wants me to do here........at this new church, then He is going to have to help me, because I don't have the tools to do it!! Mentally or physically!!!

I bowed my head in silence..............and there..........gleaming like the sun's rays was a gigantic safety pin......

no joke

I still have that safety pin

and I haven't stopped sewing since then............and the projects have gotten a lot more involved than just a quick safety pin for a temporary fix.......
(above picture of a canopy I made for a Corpus Christi procession 2010)

Sometimes the signs you are looking for might just be in silence with your head down, and avoiding all the noise and confusion of the world

take time to be in silence and then you will find your path


  1. Anne Marie- That is an awesome story. I love hearing about God hand in our lives.
    Thank you for sharing it.

  2. Love the story, Anne Marie. Thank you for sharing...just what I needed before laying my head down for the day. ;o)


  3. That is a great story. It always amazes me how God comes into our lives, and gives us those little hint to show us the way. Thank you for sharing that.

  4. That is so true... And you said it so well.... chat tomorrow :)

  5. Excellent thoughts Anne Marie, we all need times of peace and silence.

    Art by Karena

  6. You are SO right. Many many times it is in the silence that we hear what we are supposed to hear! Lovely story, Anne-Marie. xx Suzanne

  7. I love it when God speaks so clearly.

  8. pretty story anne marie...it's those little whispers from Above that show us the way...if we listen...and can hear through all the muckpucky of our everyday lives...

  9. Oh I adore your story...it really goes give me goosebumps...our God is and awesome God!!!!! xoxoxoox

  10. that's an amazing story. Thanks for sharing it! God is so cool like that! :)

  11. That is a wonderful story . Your work is fabulous

  12. He always feeds our soul in many ways...

  13. you could tell this story over and over again. it is beautiful. i have a hard time keeping my mind quiet most of the time. i need help in that department. have a great day.

  14. I am so happy to have found your writing...the safety pin, another example of signs..God speaking to us every day. Beautiful !

  15. I can share somethinig else with you. I was in a bad place a few years ago and went for a walk..After a while I happened to look down at the ground before my feet and there on the ground a plastic heart..part of a key chain that someone had dropped..on the heart was printed "Faith" I still have it.

  16. A wonderful story. Just what I needed today. Sometimes I get so busy making a lkiving that I forget...to listen and find out what God needs me to do. Hope I get a clear sign like you did.

  17. I love hearing how God makes His will known to us. Sometimes simple, others a little more time to find out. The safety pin is just wonderful. So glad you shared it!

  18. I Love this story ;)
    Such a blessing to know the Lord's will for you and how he would like you to serve him in this season of your life. So cool! Your sewing is beautiful!
    Many Blessings,

  19. What a wonderful story! I love when God makes things so clear for us! I've been so enjoying reading your blog and seeing all your gorgeous pictures! What a beautiful life you have made for your family!
