
i never use patterns

but I started to on this jacket.........and then said "the heck with this!" threw out the pattern and started leaving tattered edges and created a flounce on the bottom......

if i kept going with the pattern...it would have seriously taken me over 4 days...
what is it about patterns?

following the rules?


and i would have had to charge over $400 for all that time put into it
(right......like I'd ever buy a jacket for $400)

i might just be wearing this at Junk Bonanza (IF i go.........the morning sickness is still there)

i will totally tell you if I'm going, so we can meet!  

this crocheted cowl......is made out of 100% natural organic cotton and is just so soft....i'm going to add a button or pin or something to keep it together........but these will be available at the October Barn Sale Event

hope you all are having a great week....and enjoy the weekend!!!  
and thanks for all your prayers for my son!



  1. Anne Marie...the jacket is just gorgeous. I'd love one just like it!! I love the tattered edges the most!

    Hope you feel better soon.


  2. What a beautiful jacket, Anne Marie! You never cease to amaze me... that you could make something like that without a pattern is surely a natrual talent. I love the plaid material you used, tattered edges, and shape of your jacket. What I love about your clothes is that they are both beautiful and look so comfortable to wear... gorgeous!
    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  3. P.S. I hope the morning sickness passes soon for you, poor thing. Take care of yourself. xo :)

  4. This is amazing. But how does one sew a garment without a pattern? I'd love to do this... Do you have any tips to share?

  5. Dear Anne Marie,
    wow, is this jacket handmade by you???
    It´s so gorgeous!!!!!
    Have a great weekend, my friend,
    Big Hugs, Yvonne

  6. G'eve Anne Marie ~ I think you did a marvelous job & the jacket is lovely. You should start selling them ...

    Have a wonderful PS weekend.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  7. It's so beautiful, Anne Marie! Hope your morning sickness goes away soon. What worked for me was to keep my stomach full... lots of crackers and what a good excuse to keep eating and eating, etc. Happy weekend, hope you get to go!

  8. Love the look of the jacket and my favorite color too :)
    You do great work..You are right...who needs a pattern? I have a box full of stuff with patterns that I started...maybe I should do like you did and just throw the pattern away :)

  9. Lovely jacket.
    Cool music on your blog...I'm a real music buff!
    And I don't mean all that new pop stuff...can't stand it!
    Pamela :)

  10. Anne, your talent is enviable! I would wear that jacket in a heartbeat! Now that I am "back in my jeans" I have been wearing my darling navy blue Elizabeth and LOVING IT!!!!

    And, speaking of lambs ears... I have lambs ear Christmas trees for the sale!!!!! And some more lambs ear goodies too!! Can't wait!

  11. Tattered is best! It gives it more charm! The cowl is gorgeous too! I never knew that about the lambs ears! I have them in my sad yard and love those soft ears. I'll be placing them all in the house now! Thanks for the tip! Sorry I haven't been around. Bad blogger I am! You are so inspiring ANNE-Marie!
    Take Care,

  12. I love, love that jacket! And the cowl, of course. I hope you're feeling better soon.


  13. Anne Marie,
    I am with you on the pattern thing, Intuitive creator I call myself... I have yet to conquer sewing... bythe way I.WANT THAT> JACKET. yummy.

    great work.

  14. What a great jacket! Pattern or not it takes me forever to make anything.

    Best wishes :)

  15. wow...so beautiful..you always amaze me my friend..you are filled with talent!!! I am off for a bit but will visit when I get back. xoxoxo

  16. What a free spirit you are! No rules for you :) Hoping your morning sickness soon disappears...have a great weekend.

  17. I love the jacket too, the edges are the best!~ Hope you feel better soon, sweetie. Happy weekend, xo Lidy

  18. Love the tattered edges on this jacket, glad you throw out patterns too!
    Hope your son's eye is mending well


  19. I love the jacket and I feel the SAME way about patterns..yucky...:-)

  20. i so hope i get to see you and this jacket on friday!!!!!

  21. I hate patterns, too! I always like to wing it and get a project finished. Your jacket is lovely! That crowl is wonderful!!

  22. I love your jacket! Your blog is wonderful!!

  23. I love the jacket! You did a Great job without using a pattern. I love to sew, but I just dont have the patience anymore to sit and do it! I really like your style...
