
We've added more frames to the hives...more honey coming in

this is truly a family affair

every single one of us (minus a cuddly newborn) has been "helping with papa's bees"

just another reason why I love this man so very much

he takes the time to explain everything.........so much patience..........never puffs up anything or makes it more than it is.....a true teacher
(he should do the homeschooling :)

but not another day can go by and not thank you all for such an amazing response to the
pure prairie honey!!!!

we only have a bit left, all bottled up and ready to go...if you were still interested,
just visit go to the top left of my sidebar and click on the 'buy now' circle - it's for the honey

At last estimation, there were only about 10 jars left to sell

We've all been "busy bees" around here.........but we are so thankful that we can share a bit of the sweetness of na.da.farm with you!!
some of the shipment

Thanks again!!!

p.s. if some of you are still wondering about the October event here, yes, there will be honey, but it will be a different kind...by nature, the bees will make a different honey each time....like a fine wine
~a limited time and a gourmet taste~

more soon



  1. Well done Anne Marie. I love that it is a family affair, and your Honey is a good teacher - patience is a virtue isn't it? Hmmmm, must work on that one myself.
    Thank you for stopping by the other day and your kind words...so many exciting things going on in Blogland!
    a bientôt,

  2. Beautiful!
    Funny though... Although it tastes wonderful.. my brain is going to mixing it with salt for a fabulous facial scrub!

  3. Hi Anne Marie,
    What a blessed beautiful life you have and a honey of a husband bee you have :)

    I have shipped off the birdcage today to you from Kates GiveAway! so watch for your U.S postmaster!!

    Now off to read some older postings.

  4. Hi Anne Marie,
    What an amazing experience for you all, especially the kids. I would love to order some of your honey and I never knew that the bee's make different honey each time! What a miraculous thing!
    Have a beautiful night.

  5. I want to live on Na Da Farm.

  6. the jars of honey are so beautiful, you won't want to eat it. i just sit and stare at them. thanks anne marie.

  7. Can't help being excited for your family, Anne Marie! With all that beautiful prairie grass, there can be no doubt your honey tastes delicious. No wonder it has a gorgeous color. Love the photo of your husband and son on their way to put in more frames.

  8. Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous!

    We received our honey order yesterday & got our first sampling. It's sooooo good, I placed an order for jar #2 today.

    Great stuff!

  9. I wish I liked honey... but I do like bees. I hope to have them here sometime, as we have apple trees galore, and fields filled with wildflowers, as well as water close by. Isn't that bee heaven??

  10. Love this one also... Thanks for linking this up...
