
educate yourself...

...the key to independence + understanding + charity + knowledge +(and so much more)

don't rely on others to do the work for you...think for you...speak for you...

get out and do the work yourself

get out there and speak for yourself

don't take away from others what they worked so hard to do for themselves...
but give to humanity...by saving humanity

keep yourself educated

keep yourself prepared

keep yourself at peace with God first....and your life will turn around

whatever you do today will effect your soul...your connection with God....your connection with people both near and far

understand this

understand that any ill will you give to others will most certainly come back to you
if not now...it definitely will come back to you later

life is not about money or worldly things....but don't turn a blind eye and be afraid of sticking up for your beliefs....just make sure that your beliefs are truly for the better good of man

educate yourself

peace + blessings,


  1. So right, what we think will be thinking good positive thoughts is best! oxox, Diane

  2. I loved this post!
    Thank you!

  3. Beautifully said...thank you.


  4. I always come away blessed after reading your posts. Thank you. Oh yeah, I love that hat!!!

  5. thank you

    the hat is mine, but she looked so cute...like Holly Hobby

    have a blessed Monday!!

  6. Oh truly right!.No finish the learn in our life.

    Nice Handy made hat Anne Marie

    Ayu M

  7. You have missed your calling my sweet friend...(and I have missed you) x0x0
